Snowboarding PNW
January 20, 2021 Crystal Mountain, WA
We love to escape to the mountains the precious few days we can in Winter and Spring season. All wrapped up head to toe in layers of Burton and Smartwool. Dave and I have spent years dialing in just the right combo of layers to add and remove as needed depending on the conditions. I rock the Ninja suit also because I can literally never be too warm when it’s freezing out. (Except for when I am trying to crawl out of the deep snow when I fall. That is when it is really too warm.) The part I love the most of all is I get the opportunity to enjoy this very cold extreme environment like never before. I get to see the views for miles and miles and miles. I feel energized by the crisp air. I love how fun it is just having a great ride. Even though I fall, I’ve seen stars, I have scorpioned & my board hit me in the head, I have literally cried because I was stuck and I probably will again.
Through it all I have had the greatest time getting to know my husband. He is a trooper to deal with me at 6am and get all our gear together….he is literally so good at getting us ready for the trip every time. One of our first dates I took him snowboarding on a lil mountain in Oregon called Hoodoo. It was a total white out blizzard…and I had never been there. At one point we had to stop and put on chains on Dave’s truck. He got out to work on his side first. So I hopped out and chained up my side in 2 minutes. I surprised him with my mad chain up skills!!! He was pretty impressed by that!!!! So then he jumps right out on that borrowed snowboard and was cruisin! He was basically a pro boarder…however he still claims he had never done it before. He is the best boarding partner! So lucky I found him!!!
That’s our first snowboarding adventure (—I left out the part with the cop:)
All-in-all it was a great date & Dave made it to work only a half hour late!!!!